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1st Annual WNY “VisionWalk” was a great success!

gm44u0rstug-iOn Sunday May 20th 2012, Fichte Endl & Elmer Eycare proudly stepped up as a corporate sponsor for a very special cause.  The first annual VISION WALK  was held in Buffalo NY at  Delaware Park with the goal of raising funds to fight in the cure for blindness.  Fichte Endl & Elmers own Patient Service Coordinator Chris Szewczyk spear headed the committe to bring this national event to WNY. Her goal was to raise Sixty Five thousand dollars and to date the amount raised has exceed eighty five thousand dollars!  Over three hundred and fifty walkers attended including a team made up of our staff and doctors walking in honor of the late Stan Szewczyk.   On a national level, VisionWalk has raised over twenty two million dollars at over 51 walk sites in the USA.  To learn more about VisionWalk or to make a donation visit .www.fightblindness.org/site/TR/VISIONWALK/VisionWalktr?… 


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